Trending 2016: Wallpaper
Wallpaper can bring your home to life, and there are now a number of modern designs to choose from. Some of the latest trends will add a touch of style to your home, creating a completely different atmosphere to plain painted walls.
Wallpaper design was once the preserve of floral chintz and old-fashioned patterns. This led to a decline in popularity, with many modern consumers opting for plain painted walls instead. Sales are now seeing a resurgence, as more contemporary designs come on to the market and there is a wide selection of styles and colours to choose from. If you want to gather some inspiration for creative and stylish home interior ideas, here are some of the latest wallpaper trends.
Sarah Milton Copper & Lavender Fashion Wallpaper £195
Current Trends
Even if you've had a bad experience of wallpaper in the past or remember the bold patterns of your childhood, current trends will completely change your view. Wallpaper poses more issues than paint, as it's not as quick or cheap to alter the look if you change your mind about the colour. However, if you make the right decision, wallpaper can really bring a room to life. Choosing wallpaper is all about getting the pattern, texture and colour spot on, which can provide stunning results.
Highlight Your Environment
Rather than just going for simple or neutral wallpaper, you can use one that reflects where your property is located, such as in the countryside or a town. This can make the room an extension of your surroundings by incorporating images of clouds, trees, flowers or birds. You can now buy some beautiful wallpaper that features large natural scenes, which would make a fantastic feature wall.
Mockbee & Co East Intricacy by Chloe Elizabeth £140
Draw on a Child's Imagination
When you're decorating a child's bedroom, your home interiors ideas should come straight from their imagination. This will help to create a fun and playful space that they enjoy spending time in. There are some modern designs available that are perfect for children but also have a level of sophistication and detail that adults will appreciate as well.
Add Another Dimension
Altering the texture of the wallpaper can create an extra dimension and totally transform the environment. There are plenty of home interior ideas that you can use here, such as fake animal textures or grasses. If you really want to create a stunning wall, you can go as far as using 3D wallpaper that could give the look of a real wall, for example.
NLXL White Marble Wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek £198
Create an Interactive Wall
Wallpapering a wall doesn't have to be as simple that it is finished once you've decorated. You could put up an interactive design that can be fully customisable. For instance, there are wallpapers that you can colour in once they're up or products that create magnetic or blackboard walls.
Whichever trend you decide to go for, wallpaper is now much more contemporary and will create a visual appeal that becomes a focal point of your home.